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Petal Share: Donating Post-Wedding Flowers to Those in Need


Last week I received an email from Heather, the founder of a recently launched DC non-profit organization called Petal Share. Petal Share’s mission is to share recycled flowers from weddings & events with people in DC nursing homes, hospice centers and hospitals.

Um how seriously awesome is this idea!?

One of the reasons I didn’t want flowers in my wedding was because of the waste-factor. I hated thinking all this money would be spent on beautiful, living flowers, for a total of one day and then they would just be thrown out. I nearly force every centerpiece and bouquet on other vendors at the end of weddings I am now working as well!! It just kills me to throw out beautiful flowers – so, sharing them with those in need in hospice, nursing homes, and hospitals!? UH GENIUS. And so, so awesome.

For the rest of the story follow the link to Capitol Romance:



Petal Share

Founded in 2013 in Washington, DC, our mission is to bring joy to residents and caregivers at nursing homes, hospitals, hospice centers, shelters or anywhere else individuals could use a smile. We achieve this by utilizing volunteers to rescue, rearrange and share flower bouquets donated by generous florists, event planners, growers, hosts of weddings, receptions, and other special events held in the DC metropolitan area.

Contact us today to donate the flowers from your special event.


Charitable Organization

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